Centern slogs av panik när de märkte att undersökningar visar att C är på väg ur riksdagen. I ett desperat försök att överleva politiskt försökte C bjuda in Fp till att slå ihop partierna till ett, det gick Fp inte med på. Därmed åker Centern med stor sannorlikhet ur riksdagen, liksom Kd som ligger ännu värre till.
Friday, November 27, 2009
C panikslagna, nu även S i panik.
Centern slogs av panik när de märkte att undersökningar visar att C är på väg ur riksdagen. I ett desperat försök att överleva politiskt försökte C bjuda in Fp till att slå ihop partierna till ett, det gick Fp inte med på. Därmed åker Centern med stor sannorlikhet ur riksdagen, liksom Kd som ligger ännu värre till.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Myndigheterna kringår lagen för att öka invandringen.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Att sätta falsk varubeteckning i system.
Stockholms borgerliga partier ska göra om servicehus och kalla dem trygghetsboende.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Invandringens kostnader är hemliga, så hur räknar Björling?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Flyktingbarn slår sönder förläggningen, varför?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
SD, de enda som står för sunt förnuft. 7.2 % nu, går de om M?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Moderaterna förnedrar sina egna offentligt.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Inget parti vågar ta debatt med SD.
M och S visar förakt för lokalt styre, de har samma agenda.
När det gäller flyktingpolitiken så skiljer sig inte Moderaterna och vänsteralliansen. De vill bägge ha samma politik som går ut på att stoppa kommunernas rätt till självbestämmande så att de kan föra in ett obegänsat antal nya flyktingar till en obegränsat stor kostnad.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Billström säger att asylsystemet kollapsar i December.
Kommunalrådet Lars-Ingvar Ljungman (M) beklagar att debatten blivit polariserad, men ångrar inte att han gått ut så hårt. Han haller med Tobias Billström och säger att Malmös agerande är ett uttryck för ett "sammanbrott för svensk flyktingpolitik".
I det interna brevet skriver Schlingmann också att han för Ljungman betonat vikten av att vara aktsam med språket så att inte ”enskilda uttalanden riskerar att leda diskussionen fel".
Även Schlingmann talar om att kommunena MÅSTE skriva "avtal" och ta emot ännu fler flyktingar annars kan de förlora självbestämmandet:
– Om inte kommunerna själva nu visar god vilja kommer de att få se mer av statlig styrning, varnar Schlingmann.
Att frågan om Vellinge kommuns flyktingmottagande blivit en fråga där partisekreteraren tar direktkontakt med kommunens starke man, moderaten Lars-Ingvar Ljungman beror bland annat på en oro för att saken ska komma att skada partiet. svd
"Situationen i Malmö är ohållbar, de ansvariga i Mamö visste att reaktionen skulle bli stark"DN
Polisen beredd om det blir bråk i Vellinge. Politiker får överfalls larm. DN
– Jag förstår hur Vellinge reagerar. Det handlar om principer om att en kommun inte ska etablera sig i en annan. DN
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
No terrorist? Yes a terrorist, a Jihadist, why keep that secret?
FBI and Department of Homeland Security just after the Fort Hood massacre issued statements to the effect that "there has been no known threats against US bases in the USA" and "this is not a terrorist attack" and "this is not Jihad against America".
Those statements were false. The Jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan had several different problematic contacts. His Imam in the Virginia mosk he attended had two of the 9/11 terrorists in his mosk. The Iman Anwar al Awlaki left for Yemen and is running his webpage from there. (Update November 12, 2009, the web site was erased by the Imam) He posted messages supporting Hasan, the most recent: "Hasan did the right thing". Linked to the articles on the webpage are not only promotion of violence against the west, but also uncountable links to terrorist webpages, terrorists youtube films and the comments are along the same line. It wont take long to find speaches by Osama bin Laden and the other cave dwelling lustmurderers. You'll find tons of Al Queda links at Hasans Imams homepage. The Imams preachings is about political islam, finding terror links on his site is not the least surprising considering what he is talking about.
Kosovo Blowback Reaches America
by Srdja Trifkovic
May 8th, 2007 • Related • Filed Under
[Subscribe online to Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture. Click here for details].
The story: four Albanian Muslims from Kosovo, plus a Turk and a Jordanian, are arrested for conspiring to attack Fort Dix, a military base in New Jersey, with AK47s and “to kill as many soldiers as possible” (U.S. Attorney’s Office).
The Mainstream Media spin: “Four of them were born in the former Yugoslavia” (The New York Times); “One of the suspects was born in Jordan, another in Turkey… [t]he rest are believed to be from the former Yugoslavia” (CNN); “Four of the men were born in the former Yugoslavia, one in Jordan and one in Turkey” (MSNBC); “One of the suspects was born in Turkey and four in the former Yugoslavia” (AP), und so weiter…
The names of the four “Yugoslavs” are Dritan Duka, Eljvir Duka, Shain Duka (three brothers, all of them in the United States illegally), and Agron Abdullahu. Those are Albanian names, of course, but not one in a hundred Americans knows that. In fact, grasping that they are Albanians and knowing that “ethnic Albanian” plus “Muslim from the former Yugoslavia” equals “Kosovo,” is the privilege of experts. It is but one of many Balkan equations that mainstream media editors are determined to keep hidden from their consumers. That there is nothing in the federal complaint about the “Yugoslav” suspects’ origins is almost certainly the result of political interference.
White House spokesman Tony Snow was quick to assure us there is “no direct evidence” that the men arrested in the Fort Dix plot have ties to international terrorism. His meta-message is clear: The Administration knows it cannot keep the Albanian identity of four “Yugoslav” suspects concealed for ever, but it wants to pre-empt any suspicion that an independent KosovA would be a black hole of jihad-terrorism in the heart of Europe. Hastily denying the group’s link to al-Qaeda and other global networks is a political necessity for the proponents of Kosovo’s independence, not necessarily the reality.
Having been assured ad nauseam over the years by successive U.S. administrations that Kosovo’s Albanians are not really serious about their Islam, that even when they desecrate Christian churches and joyously rip crosses from their cupolas they do it for nationalist rather than jihadist reasons, the powers-that-be are doing their utmost to ensure that the public remains anesthetized. Asking when and how Albanian “secularists” became Islamic radicals is a no-no. Being so audacious as to wonder what this transformation bodes for a new, independent Muslim state in the heart of Europe is simply not on. Asking questions about major KLA figures’ documented links to jihad terrorism (including to Osama bin Laden personally) is polizeilich verboten. In the meantime, cadres, cash and ordnance linked to jihadist outrages all over Europe have been traced back to Kosovo, including the bombings in Madrid (March 2004) and London (July 2005), and a rocket attack on the U.S. embassy in Athens last year.
In New Jersey in May 2007, Kosovo blowback has finally reached America.
It is now essential to unmask the web of lies and distortions that has guided U.S. policy in the Balkans for years. The first step is to demand an explanation why and how Muslim Albanian terrorists from Kosovo were able to plan an operation here in the U.S. Why indeed: didn’t the U.S. military fight the Serbs for 78 days in 1999 so that they could have their ethnically clrean, Serbenfrei statelet? As a Washingtonian insider points out,
For almost a decade the U.S. government (or more precisely a handful of State Department bureaucrats and a few Congressmen) have placed the U.S. firmly on the side of the KLA and have helped created a haven for their operations. Even worse, KLA supporters in the United States have operated with virtual impunity, collecting money and weapons to support KLA operations not only in Kosovo, but in neighboring areas of southern Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, and northern Greece.
He reminds us that in 2004 Dutch television broadcast a documentary of Kosovo Albanian Muslims legally buying weapons in the U.S. and shipping them to Kosovo is support of their “liberation war” in violation of numerous U.S. laws, including the Neutrality Act: “The documentary then showed the same Albanians at a fundraiser in New York writing hefty checks to American politicians of both parties. There is no public indication that any action was taken by federal or state law enforcement agencies.”
But like the Bourbons of yore, KosovA enthusiasts inside the Beltway learn nothing and forget nothing. At last Tuesday’s open hearing of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, titled “The Outlook for the Independence of Kosova” (sic!), the Committee’s Chairman, Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA), declared urbi et orbi:
“Just a reminder to the predominantly Muslim-led governments in this world that here is yet another example that the United States leads the way for the creation of a predominantly Muslim country in the very heart of Europe. This should be noted by both responsible leaders of Islamic governments, such as Indonesia, and also for jihadists of all color and hue. [sic!] The United States’ principles are universal, and in this instance, the United States stands foursquare for the creation of an overwhelmingly Muslim country in the very heart of Europe.”
On that same occasion Ms. Rice’s No. 2, Under Secretary for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns, reiterated the U.S. position that immediate independence without standards or compromise is a must lest the Albanians get nasty: “the prospects for violence would be greater if we waited, because 92 to 94 percent of the people who now live in Kosovo are Albanian Muslims. They have been waiting a long, long time.”
Albanian Muslims, mind. Not Albanians, not “Kosovars,” not “Yugoslavs.” As Julia Gorin pointed out, Mr. Burns also didn’t miss the opportunity to invoke the usual Nazi imagery in reference to the Serbs, while praising the Kosovo prime minister Agim Ceku, an indicted Serb-slaughterer, as “impressive” and “worthy.” That’s the broad picture, dear reader, and a bunch of overexcitable, non-al-Qaeda-connected “Yugoslavs” from New Jersey will not be allowed to disturb it.
And yes, Mr. Lantos’s “jihadists of all color and hue” are taking note. svd dn ab svd svd
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sverige rapporteras till FN för brott mot de mänskliga rättigheterna.
Rapporten som 15 olika organisationer ligger bakom, klagar på en rad saker, mest på våld mot kvinnor, brist på rättigheter för barn, kvinnodiskriminering, hatbrott som sällan leder till åtal, asylsökande som inte får tillräckligt med sjukvård och utbildning och handikappade som inte har tillgång till allmänna transporter.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Swedish news leaves out important facts.
Interesting to read the Swedish newspapers online. They all seem to not want to give the full story about what happened. Very “Political Correct”. They do not seem to be objective in giving the public the full story and let the reader make up their own minds of what happened. Only giving you the details that they want you to know, isn’t it CENSORSHIP or POLITICAL CONTROLLED MEDIA. The media MUST be objective in reporting and tell the whole story, even if it is not “political correct” to do so!
Could it be because the Swedish media are “political correct” and “political controlled” that the Swedish people do not get the full story about world current events. If media controls the flow of information and has a political agenda, people would over time only believe that the reporting is true and believe in a false reality.
Is this why the majority of the Swedish people have a leftist view of world current events, have a problem to see what is right or wrong and accept the increase of violence and crime in the Swedish society?
Newly released information about TV news in the U.S.A.
Rated "The no 1 cable TV news station" again, was; FOX News.
41% Republicans, 39% Democrats and 20% Independent, viewed this news channel. Very interesting composition.
Below are some of the news about the Fort Hood shooting that initially was censored in Sweden.
Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, 39 years old.
Survivors of the rampage said the suspect shouted "Allahu Akbar!" — "God is great!" in Arabic — before opening fire, according to Fort Hood base commander Lt. Gen. Robert Cone. Cone said officials had not yet confirmed that Hasan made the comment.
Soldiers at Fort Hood don't carry weapons unless they are doing training exercises.
Cone said witnesses spoke of the methodical way Hasan conducted the rampage, what he called a "very calm and measured approach" in carrying out the mass shooting.
U.S. Federal law enforcement officials told The Associated Press that Hasan had come to their attention at least six months ago because of Internet postings that discussed suicide bombings. The officials said they are still trying to confirm that he was the author.
"To say that this soldier committed suicide is inappropriate. Its more appropriate to say he is a brave hero that sacrificed his life for a more noble cause," the Internet posting reads (“soldier”, bad guy and “noble cause”, killing coalition soldiers?).
Before Thursday's shooting, Hasan reportedly gave away all of his furniture along with copies of the Koran to neighbors, KXXV-TV reported.
"We are trying to make sense of all this," the suspect's cousin told Fox News. "He wasn't even someone who enjoyed going to the firing range." The cousin also said that everybody needs to know that Maj. Hasan was good and “great American citizen.”
Abdul-Rashid Abdullah, deputy director of the American Muslim Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs Council, told that the nonprofit group has not received a single report recently of a U.S. soldier being harassed "simply because he was Muslim," contrary to claims by a relative of the man.
Facts left out from the news makes the news reporting,,,,,,untrue, false and misleading and leaves the public uninformed and mislead. The uninformed public would have no basis to discuss the matter intelligently.
Speculating that the massmurder was committed due to listening to war stories, don't make sense. Wouldn't more people commit massmurders after looking at war movies, playing war games on the computer or reading scary books if that was true? Wouldn't a shrink that is listening to people in horrible situations want to kill the patients? The logic don't fit. ab dn dn dn svd svd